UAS Elementary School
Frankfort, NY 13340
UAS J/S High School
Frankfort, NY 13340
Dear Science Academies of New York Community:
Thank you to our Reopen SANY Task Force, our administrative team, staff members, parents, and board members who contributed to our draft reopening plan for the 2020-2021 school year. A copy of the plan is available via the following link: Please be sure to review this draft plan.
Once you have read our reopening plan, please complete a survey for each student in your home indicating your preference for instruction this fall by Friday, August 14th. The link to the survey follows:
In accordance with the Governor’s directive, the district has created a draft of two different opening plans:
The district developed this reopening plan in accordance with guidance from the New York State Health Department and New York State Education Department. Our number one priority is the safety and security of our students and staff. We are fortunate to have small class sizes, large classrooms, and technology resources that are readily available so that students can benefit from instruction whether they are inside of our schools or learning from home.
All students in grades K-7 in Syracuse and grades K-8 in Utica will have both hybrid and full-time online education options. Parents need to take the survey to indicate their preference for either 1) Full-time Online Education Model or 2) Hybrid In-Person/Online Education Model.
Students in grades 8-12 in Syracuse and grades 9-12 in Utica will have only full-time online education opportunities.
SANY will offer to all ELL and Special Education students in grades K-12 to attend hybrid learning 4-days per week. We will periodically reassess the effectiveness of online instruction for all students in order to maximize learning. We may make adjustments to students' learning model (online or hybrid) by reassigning students to increase in-person learning opportunities based on their individual learning needs and CDC guidelines.
In order to encourage social distancing on school vehicles, we are asking families to consider transporting their own students to reduce capacity on school buses. If you are planning to send your child to school for hybrid in-person instruction, please be sure to review all of the safety precautions that you and your child will need to take, some of which include:
If you are indicating a preference for full-time online education for safety or other reasons, please also be aware of the following:
Again, please be sure to review the draft reopening plan prior to completing the survey. The draft plan has been submitted to the New York State Health Department and New York State Education Department. Governor Andrew Cuomo will make a determination during the first week of August regarding the ability of schools to reopen. Once the Governor has made a decision and the district has reviewed survey results from families, we will make a final decision regarding our ability to reopen and follow up with additional information. Please also be aware that as circumstances relative to infection rates and hospitalization rates change in our community throughout the year, we may need to adapt and adjust which may require a return to online education for all students.
This reopening will require some heavy lifting and we will need everyone to work together. I realize that parents, students, and staff members have questions, concerns, hopes, and fears relative to reopening schools during this challenging time. It is going to take everyone working together in a positive and cooperative manner to develop solutions that meet the needs of our students and staff.
Please be sure to read our draft plan, complete the survey by Friday, August 14th, and stay tuned in August for additional information. We believe that by each of us doing our part that we can reopen schools in a safe manner.
Dr. Tolga Hayali
Science Academies of New York