Response to Intervention (RTI)
UAS Response to Intervention (RTI) system includes a multi-level approach tomaximize student learning and address non-instructional issues. With RTI, data is used to identify at-risk students for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide specific interventions and adjust the level of services and nature of those interventions based on a student’s progress.
The three-tier RTI approach at UASCS is below:

Tier One Interventions:
Tier one is the universal, preventative intervention methods that address the needs of all learners.
- Longer school year and school day
- Double period Math & ELA everyday in grades 6 through 9
- Data used for instruction (STAR Reader & Math, quarterly benchmark )
- School-wide available technology for online resources (Accelerated math, study island, newsela, Khanacademy, problemattic)
- Small and supportive school culture to promote student achievement (Leadership Speaker Series, college trips, community service, grade update with SIS, kiosks, Honor Roll Ceremonies)
Tier Two Interventions:
Tier two is the evidence-based, targeted interventions of moderate intensity that address the learning or behavioral challenges of most at-risk students.
- 9th period tutoring sessions
- Saturday school
- Pull-out tutors (Hamilton College tutors, support teachers)
- Summer Bridge program* /summer school
- Dean of Students and counselor meetings with behaviorally challenging student on a daily basis
Tier Three Interventions:
Tier three is the individualized interventions with increased intensity for students who show minimal response to tier two interventions.
- Special Ed. teacher supports in resource room
- Small ESL classes with push-in support in general education classes
- Home visit by principal, deans, counselor, teachers for at-risk students
- Partnership with local community support organizations (Detailed list provided)
- School RTI Committee (Guidance, grade chair, admin) meeting with at-risk students and their parents to create individualized support plan.