Response to Intervention (RTI)

UAS Response to Intervention (RTI) system includes a multi-level approach tomaximize student learning and address non-instructional issues. With RTI, data is used to identify at-risk students for poor learning outcomes, monitor student progress, provide specific interventions and adjust the level of services and nature of those interventions based on a student’s progress.

The three-tier RTI approach at UASCS is below:

Tier One Interventions:

Tier one is the universal, preventative intervention methods that address the needs of all learners.

  • Longer school year and school day
  • Double period Math & ELA everyday in grades 6 through 9
  • Data used for instruction (STAR Reader & Math, quarterly benchmark )
  • School-wide available technology for online resources (Accelerated math, study island, newsela, Khanacademy, problemattic)
  • Small and supportive school culture to promote student achievement (Leadership Speaker Series, college trips, community service, grade update with SIS, kiosks, Honor Roll Ceremonies)

Tier Two Interventions:

Tier two is the evidence-based, targeted interventions of moderate intensity that address the learning or behavioral challenges of most at-risk students.

  • 9th period tutoring sessions
  • Saturday school
  • Pull-out tutors (Hamilton College tutors, support teachers)
  • Summer Bridge program* /summer school
  • Dean of Students and counselor meetings with behaviorally challenging student on a daily basis

Tier Three Interventions:

Tier three is the individualized interventions with increased intensity for students who show minimal response to tier two interventions.

  • Special Ed. teacher supports in resource room
  • Small ESL classes with push-in support in general education classes
  • Home visit by principal, deans, counselor, teachers for at-risk students
  • Partnership with local community support organizations (Detailed list provided)
  • School RTI Committee (Guidance, grade chair, admin) meeting with at-risk students and their parents to create individualized support plan.


Utica Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

UAS Elementary School

160 School Lane,
Frankfort, NY 13340
Phone: 315-574-3000
Fax: 315-574-3008

UAS J/S High School

160 School Lane,
Frankfort, NY 13340
Phone: 315-266-1072
Fax: 315-266-1073


1409 W Genesee St,
Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
UCSD Transportation: 315-797-4933