UAS Elementary School
Frankfort, NY 13340
UAS J/S High School
Frankfort, NY 13340
Saturday, October 17th, 2020—Middle school Atoms, Hazma and Gideon hit the open waters and face tough competition at this year’s virtual CNY Steamboat challenge presented by the MOST. On Saturday, October 17th STEM students competed in a ‘pop-pop’ or a ‘putt-putt’ boat engineering challenge. Students could compete individually or in groups of 2 or 3. Each team was tasked with not only designing their own boat, but also constructing it. Boats were to be miniature working steamboats powered by only a single tealight candle. In addition, students had to discuss their designs virtually to the judges and describe how their boat was constructed. Hazma and Gideon represented Utica Academy of Science middle school and took home 3rd place. Great job, Atoms! Click here to view this year's competition.