UAS Elementary School
Frankfort, NY 13340
UAS J/S High School
Frankfort, NY 13340
Wednesday, March 17th, 2021—Happy First Day of Spring, Atoms! To celebrate, we are sharing with you spring inspired science experiments courtesy of the Utica Academy of Science elementary Atoms. The science experiments included the Walking Rainbow and Cloud in a Jar.
The students in Miss. DeAngelis and Ms. Biel’s class created their very own 'Walking Rainbow.' To conduct this science experiment, the Atoms used food coloring, water and paper towels to connect the different cups to see the colors change before their eyes!
The students in Miss Monahan, Miss Tayler, Mrs. Ferguson and Ms. Bajramovic's class all created their very own experiment called, 'Cloud in a Jar." Atoms were tasked with creating a cloud by putting shaving cream on top of a clear cup and adding drops of food coloring to the top of the cloud (a.k.a. shaving cream pile). The food coloring droplets would act as rain!
These fun hands-on, minds-on science experiments are such a fun way to kick-off the start of spring! Please visit our Facebook page to view more pictures from these awesome future scientists and their spring inspired science experiments. Keep up the great work, Atoms.