Utica Mayor Palmieri Tours #UASCS Elementary & High School

On Monday, October 22, 2018, the  Mayor of Utica, Robert Palmieri, toured our new Elementary school and spoke to our Kindergarten class. Mrs. Grabovica, our Student Affairs officer, walked around with Mayor Palmieri, popping in for meet and greets in the classrooms with our teachers and #UASCS Elementary Scholars. After visiting the elementary, the Mayor spoke to our ninth and 10th grade students about the value of community involvement, family and importance of going to college.  
Our #UASAtoms questioned the mayor about what he did before becoming mayor, where he grew up, and how he achieved his success.
Thank you so much to Mayor Palmieri for taking time out of your schedule to honor us with this visit. The valuable visits from community leaders are one of the ways we are building success one ATOM at a time. 


Utica Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

UAS Elementary School

160 School Lane,
Frankfort, NY 13340
Phone: 315-574-3000
Fax: 315-574-3008

UAS J/S High School

160 School Lane,
Frankfort, NY 13340
Phone: 315-266-1072
Fax: 315-266-1073


1409 W Genesee St,
Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
UCSD Transportation: 315-797-4933