Let Your Voices Be Heard: Ajla Vukovic

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021-Utica Academy of Science high school senior, Ajla Vukovic lets her voice be heard about the transportation concerns with Durham School Services. During Utica Academy of Science Charter School’s press conference on September 21st, Ajla shared how it's sad that students are missing out on their education due to the bus delays, and complications from Utica City School District. “It’s 10:20 AM, and students are now arriving at school, 20 minutes late. That’s 20 minutes of class has been wasted!”

Tune in tomorrow as we share the final video of the ‘Let Your Voices Be Heard’ series.

Let Your Voices Be Heard: Dzana Borovic

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021- For the past year-and-a-half, Utica Academy of Science Charter School’s class of 2022 has been participating in online learning. Students like Dzana Borovic, were expecting their senior school year to return to a ‘new normal’ with in-person instruction … or so they thought.

Tune in to watch Utica Academy of Science Charter School’s sixth video in this 8-part series, ‘Let Your Voices Be Heard,’ where you will have an opportunity to watch messages from concerned parents and students who share their experience thus far with Durham School Services.

Join us tomorrow as we share the seventh video in this 8-part series, ‘Let Your Voices Be Heard.’

Let Your Voices Be Heard: Dina Radeljas

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021- Utica Academy of Science Charter School parent, shares the message, ‘we want an equal opportunity for Utica youth.’ Dina, a higher education teacher, said ‘Providing education means breaking down barriers, and bussing is a huge barrier right now.’ The daily delays from Durham School Services has caused a major disruption not only in the educational system but in scheduling outside of the classroom.

We invite you to join us throughout the week as we continue to share videos in this 8-part series,’Let Your Voices Be Heard,’ where you will hear stories from concerned parents and students who share their experiences thus far with Durham School Services.

Tune in tomorrow as we share the sixth video in this 8-part series, ‘Let Your Voices Be Heard.’

Let Your Voices Be Heard: Kimberly Risher

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021- I think we can all agree that both students and parents can relate to the feeling of being ‘stretched thin.’ This message was shared by Utica Academy of Science Charter School parent, Kimberly Risher, as she shares her story and challenges with Durham School Services, during Utica Academy of Science Charter School’s press conference held on September 21st.

The delays caused by Durham School Services have caused major disruptions within family schedules. Families like to plan ahead and with the sporadic drop-off times, it has caused students and families to miss out on after school activities, sporting events, and ultimately impacting the future of the students.

We invite you to join us throughout the week as we continue to share videos in this 8-part series,’Let Your Voices Be Heard,’ where you will hear stories from concerned parents and students who share their experiences thus far with Durham School Services.

Tune in tomorrow as we share the fifth video in this 8-part series, ‘Let Your Voices Be Heard.’

Let Your Voices Be Heard: Jasna Ferkic

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021- “We’re going to fight this thing,” says Jasna Ferkic, a Utica Academy of Science Charter School parent. Since September 2nd, 2021 Jasna has been trying to reach Durham School Services to speak with them about the bus delays and complications with Utica Academy of Science Charter School. Jasna shares this message during Utica Academy of Science Charter Schools’ press conference held on September 21st, 2021.

This video is part of Utica Academy of Science Charter School’s 8-video series, ‘Let Your Voices Be Heard’ where viewers will have an opportunity to hear stories from Utica Academy of Science Charter School parents and students and their experience this 2021 - 2022 school year with Durham School Services.

Tune in tomorrow as we share the fourth video in this 8-part series, ‘Let Your Voices Be Heard.’

Let Your Voices Be Heard: Nikia Williams

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021- Join Utica Academy of Science Charter Schools this week for our 8-part series, ‘Let Your Voices Be Heard,’ you will have an opportunity to watch messages from concerned parents and students who share their experience thus far with Durham School Services

As many of you know, Utica Academy of Science Charter School held a press conference on Tuesday, September 21s to address the ongoing transportation and logistics concerns with Durham School Services.

Today, we share with you the message from Utica Academy of Science Charter School parent, Nikia Williams who tells her experience thus far with Durham School Services including: her child being dropped off at the wrong stop, the communication challenges with Durham School Services, and how these delays are impacting the education of not only her child but all students at Utica Academy of Science Charter Schools.

Tune in tomorrow as we share the third video in this 8-part series, ‘Let Your Voices Be Heard.’

Let Your Voices Be Heard: Dr. Hayali

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021- Utica Academy of Science Charter Schools held a press conference on Tuesday, September 21st to address the ongoing transportation and logistics concerns with Durham School Services

During the press conference members of the press, as well as, concerned parents, teachers, faculty, staff and students heard from Superintendent Dr. Tolga Hayali as he shared the steps and measures taken to address this issue.

Join us for this 8-part series where we will share messages from Utica Academy of Science Charter School parents and students who share their experiences thus far with Durham School Services.

Click here to view WKTV's coverage, and click here to view CNY Homepage’s coverage of Utica Academy of Science Charter School’s Press Conference held on Tuesday, September 21st. On Tuesday, September 28th, Dr. Hayali was interviewed by the Talk of the Town morning program. Please click here to listen to his interview with the morning show hosts.

WKTV & CNY Homepage Cover UASCS’ Press Conference

SANY Superintendent shares message at Utica Academy of Science Charter School’s Press conference, we want equal opportunities for Utica youth, in regards to the ongoing transportation issue with Durham School Services.

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021Did anyone catch  the nightly news last night? In case you missed it, we've got you covered! As many of you know, Utica Academy of Science Charter Schools held a press conference on Tuesday, September 21st to address the Durham School Services concerns and the ongoing transportation issue.

Many students, parents, and staff including Superintendent Dr. Tolga Hayali shared their stories which all echoed the message we would like answers, as well as, an equal opportunity for Utica youth.

Below are the links to the stories and coverage of yesterday's press conference. For those families who were unable to attend the press conference, we encourage you to please attend the upcoming Utica City School District Board Meeting on Tuesday, September 28th at 7:00 PM. This meeting will be held at Kernan Elementary, 929 York St. Utica, New York 13502.

Click here to read the story from CNY Homepage. Click here to read the story from WKTV, and hear the stories from Utica Academy of Science parents and students as they share their stories regarding this transportation issue with Durham School Services.

Voices were heard at UASCS’ Press Conference

SANY Superintendent shares message at Utica Academy of Science Charter School’s Press conference, we want equal opportunities for Utica youth, in regards to the ongoing transportation issue with Durham School Services.

Tuesday, September 21st, 2021Utica Academy of Science Charter Schools held a press conference to address the Durham School Services concerns and the ongoing transportation issue.

Today, media stations from all across the greater Utica area heard not only from SANY Superintendent, Dr. Tolga Hayali, but parents, students, and staff who all echoed the same message: We want equal opportunities for Utica youth!

We invite you to click here to view the pictures of today's press conference, and to click here to watch and read the coverage from WKTV News Channel 2. Also, please make sure to tune in tonight to WKTV to hear what students and staff have to say about this transportation issue.

Many Atoms, one Family! Welcome Back Students

Happy First Day of school, Atoms! We hope that you have a great year.

Tuesday, September 7th, 2021On a bright sunny day in Central New York, Utica Academy of Science opened its doors to welcome back its students for the 2021 - 2022 school year. This year marks the first time in history that all Atoms will be in the same building. We wish all of our students, teachers, faculty and staff a great year filled with knowledge, excitement, and learning. We look forward to seeing and hearing great things from you.

Please click here to visit our Facebook page to view more First Day of School pictures.


Utica Academy of Science Charter School is part of Science Academies of New York.

UAS Elementary School

160 School Lane,
Frankfort, NY 13340
Phone: 315-574-3000
Fax: 315-574-3008

UAS J/S High School

160 School Lane,
Frankfort, NY 13340
Phone: 315-266-1072
Fax: 315-266-1073


1409 W Genesee St,
Syracuse, NY 13204
Phone: 315-671-5470
Fax: 315-671-5475


For transportation related questions, please call transportation department in the district you live.
UCSD Transportation: 315-797-4933