UAS Elementary School
Frankfort, NY 13340
UAS J/S High School
Frankfort, NY 13340
Thursday, November 2, 2023: Some Utica Academy of Science scholars had breakfast with our Superintendent, Dr. Hayali. They enjoyed delicious chocolate chip waffles and fruit. These breakfasts are such a special treat for our scholars and Dr. Hayali. It serves as a time for Atoms to get to know their school better and make suggestions for improvements.
What a great way to start the day!
Wednesday, November 1st, 2023: What's the craziest day of Spirit Week at Utica Academy of Science Elementary?! It's Crazy Hair Day on a wacky kind of Wednesday! Students and staff went all out and showed us their wildest hairstyles. Check it out!
Monday, October 30th, 2023: Utica Academy of Science celebrated the students' achievements and rewarded good behavior. October’s Character Trait was Honesty. Atoms in each homeroom displaying Honesty characteristics were nominated for the Student of the Month Award. Students also earned awards for Dojo achievements and attendance. One class from each grade earned the Golden Tray Award for good behavior in the cafeteria.
Congratulations, Atoms!
Friday, October 27th, 2023: Double, double, toil and trouble! 2nd-grade Atoms celebrated STEM Friday by making a magic potion in science class. They combined yeast, food coloring, water, dish soap, and hydrogen peroxide. Our scholars enjoyed the experiment in small groups and then as a big group.
Tuesday, October 31st, 2023: Utica Academy of Science Elementary Atoms threw on their favorite Halloween costume and did the Monster Mash around the school! Junior-Senior High School students lined the hallway to cheer on their younger classmates. Even Clifford the Big Red Dog made a cameo! Hopefully, this was great practice for Atoms who went trick-or-treating after school!
Thursday, October 26th, 2023: Ghosts, goblins, and Clifford the Big Red Dog! It was a howlin' good time when #UASCS Elementary School held its first-ever Trunk-or-Treat night. Staff and families decorated their trunks and passed out treats for our scholars and their families. It was a wonderful evening full of laughs, play, dancing, and community.
Huge thanks to the FSA and Ms. Smith for helping organize this wonderful event and to everyone who came and participated. We can't wait to do it again next year!
We promised something special for the spooky season, and we are delivering. Coming to you straight from Nevermore Academy… I mean SANY… we present “The Atoms Family.” Don't miss out on this highly unique take on a classic where cartoon-like gothic macabre meets a twist of contemporary humor. Plus, you’ll definitely want to see Wednesday’s killer dance moves.
Whether you’re a newcomer to the Addams Family or a seasoned veteran, there’s something here for everyone to love.
So do us all a favor, grab your friends and neighbors, no don’t you wait ‘till later…. Here’s the Atoms Family! *Snap* *Snap*
If you want to be part of the Atoms Family, visit
Friday, October 20th, 2023: Every Friday is Fun Friday for the 4th grade! Our STEM activity on Friday, October 20th, was a spooky experiment to see which liquid dissolves candy corn the fastest! The classroom bet on vinegar, but it turns out soda was the winner!
Wednesday, October 18th, 2023: Utica Academy of Science Elementary scholars and staff participated in Unity Day, the main event of National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, to send a visible message that no child should ever experience bullying. Everyone wore orange and displayed orange artwork throughout the school that was made by scholars and staff. Each class also discussed bullying and completed a classroom pledge to stand together against bullying and unite for kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.
Saturday, October 14th, 2023: Utica Academy of Science Atoms in 6-9th grade competed in the “Steamboat Challenge“ at the Museum of Science & Technology in Syracuse. Students were tasked with constructing and designing a mini-working steamboat. There were 11 teams from Utica Academy of Science and a total of about 70 teams in the competition. Please congratulate the following 8th graders for receiving 6th place: Amazyn Edwards, Joud Milhem, and Amineh Shehadeh.