UAS Elementary School
Frankfort, NY 13340
UAS J/S High School
Frankfort, NY 13340
On Wednesday, December 12, 2018, many spins, spills, and a lot of laughter provided ample opportunity for the UASCS Junior class to learn how to work as a team as they visited Skate-A-While in Rome, NY.
On Saturday, January 5, 2018, #UASCS participated in a basketball contest at Utica College Clark Athletic Center. In an exciting match up, Atoms won by four points in a 60-56 win over Holland Patent.
On Tuesday, December 11, 2018, select sixth and seventh scholars had the opportunity to tour the Air Force Research Laboratories at the Griffiss Institute in Rome, NY. Scholars were introduced to STEM careers and learned about cryptography, high-performance computing, quantum computing, and nano computing.
On Monday, November 26, 2018, Utica City 4th District Councilman, Joseph Marino, stopped at #UASCS to tour the elementary and high school. Marino visited our English as a New Language Department, spoke with staff about the work they are doing, and then presented to our ninth grade #UASAtoms. Marino highlighted the value of volunteer work and being an engaged citizen. He then encouraged our #UASAtoms to become active participants within their community. Inviting community leaders to speak to our #UASAtoms is just one of the ways we are building success one ATOM at a time.
On Tuesday, November 20, 2018, #UASCS ninth graders voyaged to the Munson Williams Proctor Art Institue in Utica to study the Mythology Exhibit. Along with the Mythology Exhibit, our #UASAtoms received an introduction to the diverse styles of art currently on display. Providing our students with hands-on experiences relating to their coursework is just one of the ways we are building success one ATOM at a time.
On Friday, November 30, 2018, our eighth grade scholars visited either SUNY Oneonta or Hartwick College. Prior to the field trip #UASAtoms researched both colleges and were able to choose what college they wanted to tour based on their career interests. Staring the college and career exploration process in middle school is just one of the ways that we are building success one ATOM at a time.
On Tuesday, November 20, 2018, #UASCS scholars delivered turkeys to families that may not have enough to enjoy the holiday. Mr. Durmaz and his students organized it along with help from Mrs. D’Aoust and staff who helped to collect funds. Hannaford Supermarkets donated the fixings to complete the turkey meal. Thank you, Hannaford Supermarkets, and the entire #UASCS community. Teaching our scholars the value of philanthropic work is just one of the ways we are building success one ATOM at a time.